Nettles are a nutritional delight and so full of mineral rich goodness that they are worth a bit more attention.
They first came to our attention when we were busy creating our Hedgerow Gin recipe – this began in 2016 when we wanted to make an even more superior and super special gin base for our signature product, the Sloe Gin. We went back to the hedges here around Green Farm, to see what we could find to add something different to our base gin.
Nettle leaf is one of the chosen 6 hedgerow botanicals that is used in the distillation of all our Hedgerow Spirits. We forage locally for each of them throughout the year; the rosehips and crabapples in September, the elderflower in June and nettle leaves from April onwards. Once picked, we dry them all first before distillation, to preserve and concentrate their flavours.
So, nettle news! They are an excellent source of iron, calcium and Vitamin A. They’re free! Cooking them destroys the sting! Phew!
We tried the Nettle Soup recipe from the BBC Good Food website LINK– there are other nettle recipes to try, such as Nettle Risotto, Wild Garlic and Nettle New Potatoes and Nettle cordial*( a bit like an Elderflower Cordial). The next one we’re going to try is Nettle Cupcakes in Liz Knight’s new book ‘Forage’. LINK
*Nettle Cordial – try this new one from Thorncroft Cordials
Happy Nettling!
Combine 50ml Hedgerow Gin, with
25ml Wild Nettle Cordial
25ml fresh lime juice.
Put plenty of ice in a tumbler.
Shake and strain ingredients and top up with a premium tonic.