Minimising our impact on the planet is not a marketing fad for us. It's been at the heart of every decision made since the start of the business, nearly 20 years ago. It goes on today and every day.........
Watch our filmLOW ENERGY USE
Our starting point was choosing the most energy efficient still.
• So, we chose an iStill which uses up to 5x less energy than a traditional copper still. This is 21st century, responsible distilling.
• Most distilleries are hot with wasted energy “leaking” from the still. The iStill’s design, insulation and computer controls means our distillery is always cool, literally & metaphorically!
Our distilleryWILDLIFE
Enhancing biodiversity is our responsibility
• The business began when we stopped cutting the farm hedges annually to help biodiversity. This resulted in not only amazing wildlife-rich hedges but also lots of sloes; then we had an idea!
• As sloes can only grow on wildlife-friendly hedges, by buying more sloes we get more wildlife-friendly hedges!
• We have planted flower-rich micro meadows wherever we can around our buildings to help bees and butterflies
• Founder Joff Curtoys, ecologist & conservationist, works closely with Richard Hudson, who manages the land, to help create wildlife habitats all over Green Farm; from wildflower margins, wild bird feed crops, to ponds and woodland. Green Farm is alive with wildlife.
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Our day-to-day actions really matter.
• All cardboard is re-used or recycled. The recycling involves composting via farm animal bedding. After the composting it goes back onto the fields here at Green Farm as soil conditioner.
• The botanicals from the gin distillation process are composted and put back into the soil
• Staff kitchen waste, from tea bags to apple cores, is composted here and all plastics and card is recycled.
• All waste glass is recycled
• We minimise printing and recycle paper used in the office
Minimising our carbon-footprint with what we buy
• We have specially designed packaging to ensure that customers receive products in one piece without the need for any plastic, including the tape.
• Sample cups are made from biodegradable plant starch.
• We only use fully bio-degradable lined-paper or plant starch cups/glasses at pop-up bars.
• We only use paper bags for bottle sales at shows and events.