It's not just a phase! Eco consciousness is here to stay! website


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It's not just a phase! Eco consciousness is here to stay! - Sloemotion Distillery

It's not just a phase! Eco consciousness is here to stay!

This month, as we count down to the great big climate change conference at the COP26 in November based in Glasgow, we've found ourselves reflecting on the little actions we take on a daily basis here at the Distillery - that change our personal habits in order to save the environment.


As a business we've always believed it’s the little things in our everyday lives that when all added together, create bigger impacts on our sustainable living. We are all responsible to ensure our planet survives and so we all have to try to make a difference – instead of believing that someone else will save it.

The way we work at the distillery day in, day out can contribute considerably; we compost all staff kitchen waste from tea bags to apple cores, recycle all office plastics and paper, compost our gin botanicals after the gin distillation process, create wildflower rich micro meadows to encourage and help wildlife…Green Farm is alive with wildlife! …and so, the list goes on and we are constantly adapting and thinking about how we can do things differently.


The biggest energy usage within any Distillery is the Still itself. This was a big decision for us but not a hard one and indeed, one we are truly proud of. We chose the energy-efficient iStill, bringing distilling into the 21st century. The iStill’s design, insulation and computer controls means it uses up to 10 times less energy than a traditional still - our distillery is always literally (& metaphorically) cool!


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