🌟 5 years of EAT Yorkshire! 🌟
🍃We are proud to say we are part of the EAT Yorkshire campaign again this March to support local businesses and #YORKSHIRE produce.
🍃Throughout March we are offering 10% OFF on our website to encourage supporting businesses in Yorkshire.
Use code: EATYORKSHIRE at checkout to activate the discount.
Stock up on your favourite liqueur or try something new from our Hedgerow range! 🫐
We have some exciting things coming this month with some of the other wonderful brands involved… and there is a customer giveaway! 🎉 Keep your eyes peeled.
@shepherdspurse, @theyummyyank, @mightyfineuk, @sawleykitchen, @staalsmokehouse, @thechillijamman, @woldtopbrew, @puckettspickles, @mrstanleys, @lottie_shaws, @yockenthwaitefarm, @yorkshiredamacheese, @sideoven, @yorkshireoil, @whitbygin, @warrendalewagyubeef, @annas_happy_trotters, @thehonestbeanco, @soanespoultry, @seagrown, @yorkshirewoldsapplejuice, @yorkshirepasta, @seagrowncentre, @yorkshireseasalt, @gourmetscotcheggco, @nine_tines, @theyorkshirekitchenbutter
#eatyorkshire #sloemotion #northyorkshire #hedgerows #sloemotiondistillery #lifeonthehedge #loveyorkshire #sustainability